• Vocation: Uhlan Hunter • Sableswain

  • Race & Age: Viera • Mid-Sixties

  • Server: Crystal • Mateus

Vare Djt-Madilim is a young man (by Vieran standards) who does his best to be as non-descript as possible. If he is not wearing heavier armor, a sign that he is currently on a job, he can be seen wearing less kept-together attire.
Contrasting this look are the weapons he has on his person - a well made axe, daggers, and a bow that he brings with him as needed for tasks he is sent out for. In addition to this, he carries a few odd trinkets - artificed gear that serve various purposes, given to him by his employer from Byregot's Ward.

Potential Hooks

• Vare is a more reserved Viera who goes out of his way to be unnoticed and inconspicuous. Which can have the opposite effect when someone notices this odd wall-flower being out of place in a given setting. Those who make it a habit to seek out introverts to be social with will no doubt find amusement to Vare's own social-awkwardness.• Vare is a Viera who is not well acclimated to many worldly customs due to the rough start he's had since leaving his tribe at Mt. Gagazet. While he does his best to not accidentally commit any faux pas, some of his mannerisms may easily be picked out as 'not normal'. Folks may be tempted to ask about where he's from because of this.• People from more darker circles may recognize his face - that of a slave that has made his rounds between different owners. Vare had a reputation of being very unruly. Last known whereabouts should have placed him in a Cobalt Mine with a high mortality rate. How is still alive? A better question: How did he go free?• Vare is starting to build up his reputation as a mercenary, and those who have worked with the consortium, Byregot's Ward, would recognize him as one of their contractors. Although now, it seems that the Ward's Proprietor has given him a different role to fill for their consortium.• Some of these hooks may require some communication beforehand. Have another idea for a Hook? Let me know! I am very flexible with creating potential scenes and potential connections.

Out of Character Information
Long time role-player with roots in Guild Wars 2, Star Wars Galaxies, and several Tabletop RPGs including FATE and D&D. Some more info about me!

• I am always open to collaborative story-telling and open to using various systems (/roll, D&D 5e, Fate Core/ Accel, etc). I do appreciate open communication, and will do my best to maintain channels. I ask my collaborators to do the same as well!• My character is somewhat of an open, blank book that changes dynamically depending on RP outcomes and events. Tutelage, lasting scars, romance, etc., all fair game assuming a dialogue has been started for this. I'm open to both long and short term plotlines. As always, In Character ≠ Out of Character.• Some of the content I write bends lore, but never breaks it. Some of my current plotlines and hooks takes a lot of inspiration from the Fabula Nova Crystallis series and mythos, as well of other media like Stormlight Archives, The Licanius Trilogy, etc. As such, I have the most fun writing high-fantasy esque plotlines, but am happy to collaborate in themes and genres outside of the high-fantasy niche.• I reside in MST, and currently work full time in Healthcare. Playtime and hours will vary, however I am usually available on Discord and can schedule scenes ahead of time. Just bare this in mind if I do not respond to messages immediately.• I'm also available for PVE and PVP. If there's any content you want to run, just ask! I have Tanking, DPS, and Healing Classes available for content. My main's name is Garrett Sadova. Feel free to check out his carrd down below.• I run the Free Company and Discord Byregot's Ward, a Med-Heavy FC themed around intrigue, enterprise, adventure, and tropes common in Stormblood and Shadowbringers. Feel free to visit the FC Carrd via the button below.

Discord Handle: The-Penman#8782
open to walk-up and tell

Known History
Vare was born to a Rava Tribe that lived in the mountain ranges of Mt. Gagazet, northeast of the Golmore forest, the Jorguhemon. Known for its long winters and scarce resources, the Jorguhemon have grown to become the apex predators of the Gagazet Range, thanks to equal parts grit and their use of an occult form of blue magic they’ve cultivated since their migration to these mountains at the edge of the world: Epicurae. Old Gourmand’s magic that has allowed the Jorguhemon to thrive off limited resources, by absorbing more aether through consumption than what is normally possible, thanks to both a hyper-efficient metabolism; and the ability to get nutrients from blood.
The Jorguhemon had a tradition they implemented for all the youth in their tribe, where on their fiftieth name-day, they would read the stars in the night sky to determine their ‘Heavenly’ or ‘Earthly’ name, which would also determine one’s role in the tribe. On Vare’s naming day, however, no stars appeared for him for their elders to read. This was an ill-omen for the tribe. Three attempts were made to Name Vare, and no stars appeared for three nights in a row.The Elders of his tribe therefore decided that Vare was curseborn - and they gave him the name ‘Djt-madilim’. “Heavenly Dark”. This disgrace shattered Vare’s own sense of perceived identity, and he plunged into a spiral of rage that quickly led to him being exiled from the Jorguhemon... something that has only happened four times in the tribe's history. Vare survived, leaving Gagazet on his own - though it did not take long for him to be found by bandits outside the forests of Golmore, who captured and sold him into slavery.The next decade saw Vare being traded hands by several owners. Sometimes for labor. Sometimes for sport. Vare could never acclimate properly to the outside world, his looking glass jaded from the injustices he suffered. Often caused by his own insubordination, which quickly earned him a reputation of being a poor servant in the trade. He was finally traded to a man who needed workers for a cobalt mine based in Thanalan - where he was expected to die.Except, this never happened. His former master had drawn the attention of a certain free company and consortium that was tracking down a slave trader named Grim Wind. Byregot’s Ward raided the cobalt mines where Vare was - and was released from captivity. For the first time in over a decade, Vare was a free man again.After his release, Vare struggled to acclimate to his new environment. He made a name for himself as a sellsword in Eorzea - going out on different jobs and earning money where he can to buy bread and meat. It was on one of his hunts where he ran into Byregot’s Ward again - this time bumping into a mute woman named Saffi Askhlad. During a fight with a nasty boar, a crystalline deposit Saffi had retrieved for her employer shattered - which caused an explosion to graft the skin of both Spoken caught in the blast.The two have experienced odd phenomenon since. Saffi brought Vare back to the Ward to be evaluated at their clinic, where they discovered that the crystals Saffi was carrying had somehow fused to both of them in the explosion that happened. The process of finding out how to extract this malignant crystal is ongoing to this day - and Vare has worked with the Ward in the meantime to stay in touch with both them and Saffi.Recently, Vare was called by Garrett Sadova, Proprietor of Byregot’s Ward, to discuss him taking on a more substantial role within the consortium. Realizing that his position as the consortium’s owner makes it difficult for him to move around, Garrett thought it was time to employ someone to act as his ‘personal assistant’. Or rather, a blade in the dark - his first Sableswain. Vare accepted the proposal, hoping that his contributions to the company would expedite their process in extracting the malignant crystals in his body... as well as open new doors to Vare’s future beyond his accursed name.